Our clients look to us to assist them to structure their businesses and transactions in all the major offshore centres and turn to us for our experience and understanding of cross-border strategies.

    Jersey Island Incorporations

    We recognise our clients have a diverse range of requirements and require expert advice in alternative jurisdictions for SPV’s or fund formations.

    Jersey Islands is consistently voted as one off the world’s leading international financial centres respected for its robust regulatory regime and sophisticated and pragmatic legal systems.

    Our team of specialists have a deep understanding of the Jersey Financial Service Commission (JSFC) enabling us to provide end to end services for clients seeking SPV and fund setups.

    Cayman & Jersey Island Advisory

    JSFC SPV’s Regime

    The Company’s law in Jersey provides a number of options for establishing SPV’s and our team have the knowledge and experience in determining the most suitable and efficient structure.

    Issuing and Repackaging Debt Securities

    Investments made off balance sheet

    Purchasing Vehicles / Receivable Trusts

    Credit Default and Total Return Swaps Structures


    JSFC Funds Regime

    We provide bespoke advice on the various fund structure available to meet the objectives of our clients. JSFC provide a diverse range of fund structures.

    Jersey Private FundsThe JSFC’s private funds regime is a simplified regime that is marketed to no more than 50 investors. Must meet the eligibility requirements, such as the investors must meet the definition of Qualified Investor and a minimum investment of at least GBP 250,000 or currency equivalent.

    This fund structure is ideal for a club type investment

    • Light regulation
    • No requirement for Jersey Directors
    • No requirement for offer document
    • No restrictions on investment and borrowing
    • No promotor approval needed
    • No PQs for service providers to the fund other than the DSP
    • No requirement to appoint an auditor
    Unregulated eligible Investor FundsThis is a non-regulated fund due to an exemption provided by JSFC.

    The Minimum subscription is USD 1 Million; OR the investor must satisfy one of the other definitions of Eligible Investor set out in Unregulated Funds Order.

    • Unregulated fund
    Eligible Investor FundsUSD 1 Million or currency equivalent OR the investor must satisfy one of the alternative definitions of Eligible Investor.

    • Limited disclosure requirements in offering documents and self-certification that the fund qualifies as an eligible fund.
    Expert FundsUS$100,000 or currency equivalent OR the investor must satisfy one of the alternative definitions of Expert Investor.

    • Limited disclosure requirements in offering documents and self-certification that the fund qualifies as an expert fund.